Most Private Investigation Agencies do not advertise their fees. Why? Because you can expect to pay anywhere between £45 - £100 per hour! And you will have to pay more if they work in the evening, during the night, the weekend or on public holidays.
And it all depends on your investigation needs. The more complicated the case, the higher the hourly fee.
And only after an extensive consultation do you have any idea of how much your investigation will likely cost you. Then you may have other additional fees to pay for like travel or other expenses.
It can be a real mine field when it comes to hiring a Private Investigator, particularly when it comes to fees. You may be confused or even baffled trying to decipher their complicated pricing system.
Every Private Investigation Agency will tell you that each case is unique (which is 100% true!) so each case will be priced differently and according to what you need and require. Giving you a bespoke cost that’s unique to your particular case.
No matter how unique or bespoke your case will prove to be, we will only charge you one flat hourly rate regardless of how simple or complex your individual case might be.
We believe that hiring a private investigator should not break the bank! Everyone who wants peace of mind or answers should be able to afford the services of a private investigator.
That's why here at Karlton Investigations our aim is to keep it simple. We truly believe that as a potential client you should know upfront how much it will likely cost you for our services.
Whether it’s a simple or a complex case, whether we work in the daytime, evening, during the night, weekends or any public holidays, you pay the same hourly rate with no hidden fees.
You can 100% expect the same high standard of service as if you were paying £100 per hour from one of the national Private Investigation Agencies.